Martial arts expert partners up with the Black Dog Institute to raise awareness for mental health

This week Vickie featured in the Greek Herald.

Over two million Australians suffer from mental health conditions and for those from diverse cultural backgrounds the figure is higher, the latest census revealed

However, according to South Australian counsellor, psychotherapist and martial arts expert, Vickie Simos, everyone deserves a fighting chance before they become a statistic. 

A first generation South Australian of Greek heritage, Simos has openly talked about her experiences with depression and how Martial Arts helped her overcome those mental issues in her autobiography ‘The Boxer Within’.

She also often runs events and workshops across Australia to educate communities about mental health and how combining Martial Arts with mainstream therapy can have positive results to those suffering from mental illnesses. 

Read the full article here.

On Thursday 11th August 2022, the Greek Australian will partner up with The Black Dog Institute to raise awareness and much needed funds in a free event which will be hosted at the Sydney Parliament House (Jubilee Room). 

With co-speakers, founding director of the BeCause Movement and part of the Space 22 series on ABC/BBC, Noula Diamantopoulos and Terry Mitropoulos who completed an inspirational walk from Adelaide to Melbourne after 13 brain surgeries to treat cancer, Simos hopes to hold an informative discussion for people of all ages and backgrounds. 

Click here to find out more about the event or to register


Martial Arts Therapy for Mental Health


Martial Arts Therapy featured on Neos Kosmos